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Helping children who bottle up their feelings: A guidebook
Sunderland, Margot, Armstrong, Nicky (illustrator). Oxon, UK: Speechmark , 2000.
Material Type
Call Number
GK 720 SUN 2000
1 copy, 1 available
Nevermind always carries on whatever happens! Each time something horrible happens to him he just tucks his feelings away and carries on with life. Find out what happens to Nevermind and how he begins to understand that his feelings do matter, how he learns to express them and stand up for himself.…
Sunderland, Margot
Armstrong, Nicky (illustrator)
Place of Publication
Oxon, UK
Publication Date
Physical Description
Spiral bound, Paperback; 48 p. and picture book: paperback, col. ill.; (unpaged).
Helping Children with Feelings
Children's Emotions
Children's Psychological Development
Nevermind always carries on whatever happens! Each time something horrible happens to him he just tucks his feelings away and carries on with life. Find out what happens to Nevermind and how he begins to understand that his feelings do matter, how he learns to express them and stand up for himself. The guidebook will help children who: are trying to manage their too painful feelings by themselves; do not let themselves cry, protest or say that they are scared; are living with too many unresolved painful emotions from the past; have had disturbing, overwhelming or confusing experiences, which they have been unable to think through or feel through properly; are full of unexpressed feelings because expressing them feels far too dangerous; and, are full of unmourned grief.
Accompanied by the story book, A nifflenoo called Nevermind, (ISBN 0863884962)
Material Type
Call Number
GK 720 SUN 2000


Copy 1 BC Children's and Women's Family Library Available
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Helping children with low self-esteem: A guidebook
Sunderland, Margot, Armstrong, Nicky (illustrator). Oxon, UK: Speechmark , 2003.
Material Type
Call Number
CF 200 SUN 2003
1 copy, 1 available
Ruby hates herself so much that she often feels more like a piece of rubbish than a little girl. Sometimes Ruby feels so miserable that she wants to sleep and sleep and never wake up again. Then Ruby meets Dot and, over time, Dot helps Ruby to move from self-hate to self-respect. After a very impor…
Sunderland, Margot
Armstrong, Nicky (illustrator)
Place of Publication
Oxon, UK
Publication Date
Physical Description
Spiral bound, paperback; 91 p. and picture book: paperback, col. ill.; (unpaged).
Helping Children with Feelings
Self-Concept (includes self-esteem)
Children's Emotions
Child Behaviour
Ruby hates herself so much that she often feels more like a piece of rubbish than a little girl. Sometimes Ruby feels so miserable that she wants to sleep and sleep and never wake up again. Then Ruby meets Dot and, over time, Dot helps Ruby to move from self-hate to self-respect. After a very important dream, and help from Dot, Ruby finds her voice and her anger, and stands up to the bullies. She makes new friends and knows what it's like to feel happy for the first time in her life. The guidebook helps children who: don't like themselves or feel there is something fundamentally wrong with them; have been deeply shamed; have received too much criticism or haven't been encouraged enough; let people treat them badly because they feel they don't deserve better; do not accept praise or appreciation because they feel they don't deserve it; feel defeated by life, fundamentally unimportant, unwanted or unlovable; bully because they think they are worthless or think they are worthless because they are bullied; and, feel they don't belong or do not seek friends because they think no-one would want to be their friend.
This book is accompanied by the children's story book, Ruby and the rubbish bin. (ISBN 0863884709)
Material Type
Call Number
CF 200 SUN 2003


Copy 1 BC Children's and Women's Family Library Available
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